#160 Superfly In The Belly Of A New Jack City (with Cousin Marcus)
Queen & J. are two womanist race nerds talking liberation, politics, and pop-culture and over tea. Drink up!
On this spot of tea episode… In the 1970’s Sweetback’s Badass song, Shaft, and then Superfly were considered the start of the Blaxploitation genre, and almost 50 years later with a new Superfly, a whole new Shaft on the way, and others in the works, do we still need Blaxploitation? Should we survive on Black Panther alone, and is the real question - who’s gonna save the hood?????
This week’s hot list: Juneteenthk was lit, our guest spot on The Black Guy Who Tips, Trevor Jackson is adorable, Superfly, New Jack City, Belly, polyamory, Black women & colorism, everything covered in instagram flavored #BlackExcellence, and more, listen!
Tweet us while you listen! #teawithqj @teawithqj
Twitter: twitter.com/teawithqj
Instagram: Instagram.com/teawithqj
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TeawithQueenandJ
Tumblr: teawithqueenandj.tumblr.com
www.paypal.me/teawithqj OR www.patreon.com/teawithqj
BROOKLYN #WINCcon aka Women in Comics Con is Saturday, June 30th from 10-6pm. J. will be on the Journalism in Pop Culture panel at 12:15pm. Learn more and RSVP here: www.eventbrite.com/e/winc-con-2018…ets-42373045921
BROOKLYN On Thursday, July 5th Queen is teaming up with Vagesteem podcast to bring you SEX TRIVIA BK. Chill with us at Starr Bar in Brooklyn, NY and talk sex with us, we have prizes from Babe Land sex toys, Uber lube and more. Free with RSVP here: www.eventbrite.com/e/sex-trivia-br…ets-46553865866
Check out our guest spot on The Black Guy Who Tips podcast! www.theblackguywhotips.com/2018/06/20/…ueen-and-j/
Cousin Marcus Twitter: @challahbaktrax
Cousin Marcus Instagram: @_traxxart_
This week’s closing clip features original Superfly actor Ron O’Neal www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iCd6UHR-3I
Engineering by Indie Creative Network: www.icn.dj/
Libations to our friend Casey who helps keep this show running by giving his money to Black women.
Libations to Ohene Cornelius for our show intro, check out his latest album Flight Risk available everywhere online now. You can find Ohene on instagram and twitter @ohenecornelius and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ohenecornelius/
Libations to T.Flint for our News That's Not News intro! Find him at www.tflintvoiceovers.com/