#172 No Wig Shall Hold Me Down
Queen & J. are two womanist race nerds talking liberation, politics, and pop-culture over tea. Drink up!
On this episode… Are Black British actors “taking” Black American roles or is white supremacy just doing what it do? Black trans women are being killed left and right and the media is acting like it’s their fault. And we knew Janet Jackson was blacklisted but do you know the white man’s name who did it? It’s never a conspiracy, always a whole ass white man fvcking with whole ass Black people.
This week’s hot list: J. isn’t using her feelings journal for her mental health, but you should. Listen to Marsha’s Plate podcast and stop being corny. Queen is queer ya’ll. Trans women are desired, loved, and not studying your crusty, stankin ass. There might be a serial killer in Jacksonville, Florida. Does anybody care tho? We’re getting a Harriet Tubman movie with Cynthia Erivo! Maybe we should be excited, or maybe we should just fight. If Janet Jackson can’t live, then who can? And Stop. Killing. Trans. Women.
Tweet us while you listen! #teawithqj @teawithqj and add #podin on twitter to help others discover Tea with Queen and J. podcast!
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Check Nicole Mebane’s jewelry & lifestyle brand Ultraviolet NYC: ultraviolet.nyc/
Instagram: @ultravioletnyc @nicole_elise
Check out Queen’s appearance on Rosé On The Reg podcast! Roseonthereg – Episode-7-its-hella-sexual-up-in-here
Damson Idris (Snowfall actor) on Jimmy Kimmel: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XROT4CvpYb8
GLAAD's Doubly Victimized: Reporting on Transgender Victims of Crime: www.glaad.org/publications/trans…ndervictimsofcrime
GLAAD's Media Reference Guide for a glossary of terms and best practices for fairly and accurately covering transgender stories: www.glaad.org/reference
Mic.com's Unerased: Counting Transgender Lives - a comprehensive and interactive database looking at transgender murders since 2010: mic.com/unerased
This week’s closing clip features Diamond Stylz tribute to Tea with Queen and J. on Marsha’s Plate podcast! Be sure to check out Marsha’s Plate podcast! soundcloud.com/danella-xuc/tracks
Engineering by Indie Creative Network: www.icn.dj/
Libations to our friends Casey & Domingo who help keep this show running by giving their money to Black women.
Libations to Ohene Cornelius for our show intro, check out his latest album Flight Risk available everywhere online now. You can find Ohene on instagram and twitter @ohenecornelius and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ohenecornelius/
Libations to T.Flint for our News That's Not News intro! Find him at www.tflintvoiceovers.com/