#192 We Don't Know You
Queen & J. are two womanist race nerds talking liberation, politics, and pop-culture over tea. Drink up!
On this episode… We’re busting myths from “Black on Black” crime to what do vaginas really smell like, Black girl magic at the Superbowl that nobody and everybody watched, and a reminder that you’re important but everybody don’t know you.
This week’s hot list: Targeted anti-Black marketing vs. crime stats, Queen makes good grits (salt over sugar!), when and how to engage or not engage in teaching conversations on social media, buy your comics from a Black woman, vaginal health is vaginal wealth, protect Chloe x Halle, fauxcotting the Superbowl (hey Rod & Karen!), don’t be humble (it’s wack) but show humility (it’s cute), Black Enterprise probably fired their journalism staff (but were you even reading it tho?), and other compelling sh!t!
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AUSTIN, TX - We’re going to SXSW 2019! Help us get there by hitting the paypal or patreon!
The Honey Pot is the first complete feminine care system that cleanses, protects, and balances your vagina Powered by herbs. Made by humans with vaginas for people with vaginas. Tampons, pads, washes & more at thehoneypot.co
Visit www.amalgamphilly.com and order your comics from a Black woman owned shop!
We referenced the BlackEnterprise.com article “16 Things Black People Say Or Do That Annoy White People At Work (And In General)” but we care too much about you to include a direct link.
Chicago Woman Secure’s Hotel Rooms for Homeless During Polar Vortex
NPR- Transcript for the podcast weekend edition: www.npr.org/2019/02/02/69091675…s-during-frigid-pol
This week’s closing clip features actor/social media comedian Lala Milan at the BET screening for Boomerang: www.facebook.com/LaLaSizaHands89/…830688383946149/
This episode was created, hosted & produced by Janicia & Naima with editorial support by Sam Riddell
Libations to our friend Domingo who help’s keep this show running by giving their money to Black women.
Libations to Ohene Cornelius for our show intro, keep up with him at ohenecornelius.com
Libations to T.Flint for our News That's Not News intro! Find him at www.tflintvoiceovers.com/